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Encode entire deck with two Jokers

This thread is essentially the same as my "Two card Fitch Cheney Rusduck (full deck as target)" thread except this thread has been cleaned up considerably and removed the confusing references to a paper clip or clear card holder. This thread uses only the spectator's thumb as one of the signals (instead of a clip of any kind).

The effect:
The magicians assistant is sent to another room (or goes to the back of the room with her back turned to the audience). Magician says "my assistant will be Jessica Fletcher the detective in Murder She Wrote". Or if male assistant then Columbo, Matlock, Perry Mason, Poirot.

The Magician removes two jokers saying "these are two spies that will report to our detective".

The Magician spreads the deck of cards face up and has a spectator freely select any card to be the criminal in our story. Or the spectator can simply name any card as the criminal (of course the magician's assistant must be in another room where they cannot hear if this is done).

The magician pretends to whisper something to the two jokers and maybe turns one or both of them face down or face up and then hands the two jokers to the spectator to hold tightly and take the two jokers to the magician's assistant.

The magician's assistant looks at the two jokers (and maybe pretends to listen to them) and then announces the name of the criminal (the card that was selected as the criminal).

How is this done:
Let's call the two Jokers (which are one way pointer cards) card A and card B.

Target criminal card VALUE:
The magician will orient the two Jokers thusly:
Binary "1": card A UP
Binary "2": card B UP
Binary "4": higher card first.
Binary "8": spectators thumb placement to their right to indicate binary value "8".

By adding these four binary signals this will allow the construction of 16 values (0 thru 15 note that total value of zero will not be utilized).

Interpreted total binary value to target criminal card value:
0 = never happens
1 = Ace
2 = 2
3 = 3
4 = 4
5 = 5
6 = 6
7 = 7
8 = 8
9 = 9
10 = 10
11 = Jack
12 = Queen
13 = King
14 = Low Joker
15 = High Joker

The above will divulge the target card VALUE, simple. Now how to encode the target card SUIT:

Target criminal card SUIT:
The two spy cards (Jokers) must stay in their relative positions to each other and stay in their "up versus down" pointer orientation, but one or both must be flipped horizontally to indicate the suit of the target card as follows (magician now holding the two cards horizontally waste high):

Face up, face up equals diamonds
Face down, face down equals hearts
Face up, face down equals clubs
Face down, face up equals spades

The above is all you really need to know to do this trick, however below are more details. Especially see the MAGICIAN STEPS and the importance of setting the binary "4" indicator as the first step.

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Profile of glowball
When finally giving the two Jokers to the spectator this can be done by the magician presenting the two cards with both hands in such a way that the spectator must place their thumb in between the magician's two thumbs when they take the cards with strict instructions from the magician not to change their grip. "Please take these two cards from me placing your thumb on top between my two hands and hold tightly".

This could be demonstrated before the trick ever starts with the magician stating "I want you to hold these cards exactly this way when presenting them to my assistant because that way you will not drop them and there is no way an extra signal is being given because you will always hold them this same way when we do the trick".

If using standard USPCC playing cards the magician at the beginning could just pull out the king and queen of hearts (instead of the Jokers) claiming they are spies (perhaps Maxwell Smheart and Agent 99 from the TV show Get Smart). And then the magician would have a spectator select any of the other cards as the target card.

Note that the queen of hearts on a standard USPCC playing card has a little white triangle pointing at the windup key on the downside but not on the upside thus making it a one-way pointer.

Note that the King of Hearts on a standard USPCC playing card has a plain hair curl near his eye on the downside but not on the upside thus making it a one-way pointer.

The references below to "first card" and "second card" are referring to the two jokers. I worded The instructions below more generically so if you want to use two different pointer cards (other than jokers) then the crib notes will still be clear.

Crib notes (If needed by the magician's assistant):
Target card value (binary total starting with zero):
If first card under thumb is "up" then add 1.
If 2nd card under thumb is "up" then add 2.
If first card under thumb is higher then add 4.
If thumb is to the right then add 8.
Total is the target card value.
Note above that the term "up" is not referring to face up or face down but rather the pointer card's orientation "up".

Target card suit:
Two cards face to face (only backs showing) means the target card is a spade.
Two cards back to back (both faces easily seen) means the target card is a club.
Both cards face down under the thumb means the target card is a heart.
Both cards face up under the thumb means the target card is a diamond.

Up add 1, Up add 2, High add 4, Right add 8.
Both backs visible = S, both faces visible = C, faces down = H, faces up = D.

After a spectator has selected a Target card the magician needs to mentally know which of the 1, 2, 4, 8 signals need to be given.

After a spectator has selected a Target card the magician needs to arrange the two spy cards (and let's say they are the two jokers) via the following steps (assume the two jokers are held slightly spread facing magician):

A. Determine whether binary 4 is needed for the target card value calculation and if so then make the high Joker the first card otherwise make the low Joker be the first card. This is important to do this as the first step so to keep the following steps pure.

B. If binary 1 is needed for the calculation then orient the first Joker head up otherwise orient the first Joker head down.

C. If binary 2 is needed for the calculation then orient the second Joker head up otherwise orient the second Joker head down.

D. The magician waits to set the binary 8 signal for the very last step therefore the magician now possibly flips one or two cards to indicate the suit:

E. If Target card is spades then magician flips the last Joker horizontally.

F. If Target card is clubs then magician flips the first Joker horizontally.

G. If Target card is hearts then does nothing.

H. If Target card is diamonds then magician flips the first Joker horizontally in place and then flips the second Joker horizontally in place (careful here, do not flip both cards together horizontally because you will have changed the "high" versus "low" signal for the binary four. Do any flipping one at a time).

I. Binary 8: Square the two cards up and using two hands lower them horizontally and present them to the spectator to take with their thumb on top (the magician's hands are on the end of the two cards near the spectator but spread just enough that the spectator can place their thumb between the magician's two thumbs). IF THE BINARY VALUE 8 is needed for the target card calculation then the magician's two thumbs are offset from the center on the two card packet to his left a little bit otherwise IF THE BINARY VALUE 8 IS NOT needed then the magician's two thumbs are offset to the right a little bit.

J. Instruct the spectator to NOT change their grip and take the two cards to the magician's assistant.
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Nashville TN
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Profile of glowball
I do carry a paper clip in my wallet just in case I don't want to do the thumbs bit.

When using the paper clip I go out of my way (before I start the trick) to explain that it is not a signal "I do not place the paper clip at multiple places on the top nor the sides nor the bottom, I always place it here on the bottom".

Of course I actually do place the clip slightly to my left on the bottom to indicate the use of binary 8 (slightly to my right to nullify the use of binary 8). I place the clip on so the little loop of the paper clip is where their thumb would be if the thumb method were used. Of course my "detective" assistant (wife) knows these rules.

When using the paper clip I have the spectator hold one hand palm up and flat and to use their other hand to pick up the two card packet (the two jokers) and simply drop it on their flat hand with instructions never to touch or fiddle with the two card packet. Then I tell the spectator to simply take the two cards on their flat hand and present the two jokers to my assistant.
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Nashville TN
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Profile of glowball
Maybe a little adjustment.
I'm thinking about making it easier on my assistant by having her mentally process binary 8 then binary 4 then binary 2 then binary 1 (instead of 1, 2, 4, 8).

This could simplify her physical actions while doing the mental calculations. She would:
A. Notice the spectator's thumb (or paper clip) to know whether to add the value 8.
B. Notice or peek at the top card to know whether to add the value 4 (if high Joker) and from that same card (if head up) know whether to add 2.
C. Notice or peek at the bottom card to know whether to add the value 1.

This seems to be a more logical approach, but this means we would need to switch the binary 1 and binary 2 signals from the way they are now (the binary 8 and binary 4 signals remain the same).

The new way the BOTTOM Joker head up means binary 1 and the TOP joker head up means binary 2.
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Nashville TN
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Profile of glowball
I'm also thinking about swapping the signals for diamonds and hearts because if my assistant receives the two Jokers horizontally face up (currently means diamonds) then all she has to do is spread the two jokers slightly and then everything can be visually known whereas currently when hearts are signaled she has to slightly turn over the two cards and spread to see what they are.

Assuming that hearts are the most named suit then it would make sense to have the two jokers face up as the signal to indicate hearts instead of diamonds.
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Nashville TN
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Profile of glowball
"Suit color easy" variant.
Using the spectator's thumb placement to signal whether to add eight is dangerous because if that is messed up by the spectator or by the assistant, which is easy to do (unfortunately we know from experience) then the assistant's results will be way off.

Therefore we are now using the spectator's thumb signal as a final signal to differentiate between the same color suits, because that way if we're off it's not by much because saying six of hearts when it's really the six of diamonds is still pretty good.

Also if there's any doubt the assistant can just equivoque by saying for example: "I'm getting the nine of hearts or the nine of Diamonds, it isn't the nine of Hearts is it?".

I'm calling this version the "Suit color easy" method.

These new rules for the magician's assistant are as follows:

When the spectator takes the two cards to the magician's assistant the spectator will present them horizontally with their thumb on top and never let go and keep holding the two cards firmly. The magician's assistant will look and peek at the two cards as needed by bending the card(s) slightly up or down to see the face of the cards but the spectator continues to hold the two cards tightly at his end.

The magician's assistant's rules:
A. If the card directly under the spectator's thumb is face up then start the total count with 8 otherwise start with zero.

B. If the card directly under the spectator's thumb is the higher card of the two cards then add 4.

C. If the card directly under the spectator's thumb has it's "pointer near" then add 2.

D. If the second card under the spectator's thumb has its "pointer near"then add 1.

The above total gives the target card value.
Now to get the target card suit:

E. If the second card under the spectator's thumb is face down then the target card suit is a black suit card otherwise face up means the target card is a red suit card (RED sun is UP in the sky, DOWN is in a dark BLACK basement).

At this step the magician's assistant will be thinking "it's a heart/diamond or it's a spade/club".

F. The magician's assistant knows a great deal and can do the equivoque, but the magician's assistant should now look to see which side of the packet the spectator's thumb is on:

The magician's assistant mentally visualizes the two suit pips that are now in play and remembers this little ditty:

"Thumb to my Right means the pip top has a point, else thumb to my Left means curved top pip".

Notice that only the spade and diamond have a point at the top of their pip. Therefore the magician's assistant should know the exact suit without having to do an equivoque.

Simplifying the mental ditty:
"Get RIGHT to the point".
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Nashville TN
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Profile of glowball
The term above "pointer near" means near to the magician's assistant and away from the spectator. In the case of using two Jokers then this just means the top of the head of the Joker is toward the magician's assistant.

In the case of using the king and queen of hearts the term "pointer near" means the full hair curl of the king being near to the magician's assistant.

For the queen of hearts it means the tiny white triangle is near the magician's assistant.
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