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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Smooth as silk » » Prevent wrinkles and crushed silk. (1 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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What is the best practice to prevent wrinkled and crushed silk when using production tubes and boxes etc.,?
Mary Mowder
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It isn't a popular opinion but I think a million wrinkles is better than none.
I heard or read it somewhere and tried it. I wish I could properly credit the originator of the idea. It has saved a lot of trouble and works well for me.

Don't iron the silk or wet it and stick it to the mirror (a recipe for disaster when they fall in a wet sink or even a drop of water).

Use the silk in the tube, hank ball change bag etc... When you are done lay them flat in one pile on top of a big scarf and roll them up from one side.

This will keep them from developing hard wrinkles but won't remove the tiny wrinkles.
It gives the silk a lot of tiny "facets" that will make it look rich from a distance.
It will mitigate the look if hard wrinkles when packed in a tight place for a production.

A pristine silk packed for a production looks more wrinkled on release because the super flat look in between wrinkles accentuates the wrinkles.

Try it both ways and see what you think.

"Magical Mary" Mowder
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Profile of hpcman
Yes, I once heard a talk from Lance Burton who said he never ironed his silks because if you iron them once you always have to iron them. My question is there any quick way to get a new silk to have that complete tiny crushed state ?
Mary Mowder
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Wears the silk a bit but hank ball comes to mind or just practice a while with them.

It won't take too long for the silk to lose the New look.The first time you "rack" them diagonally the process starts.

No reason to rush it, they wear out too soon as it is.

- Mary
Dave Scribner
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Here's a previous thread about this. I've found rolling larger silks around a tube works well. Smaller silks can be de-wrinkled by lightly steaming them.
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I rolled them around a tube or fold them (not too small) and put them in a ziplock.
The first place I saw wet silk on the mirror trick written was in a booklet by the Magical Ovette. Wrinkles actually look a little better on silk fountains.
Wrinkle can be caused by heat and humidity also.
Do not overload the load containers will also help with the wrinkles.
Richard E. Hughes, Hughes Magic Inc., 352 N. Prospect St., Ravenna, OH 44266 (330)296-4023
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The question was specifically for stuffing them into a load chamber. I usually make mini tubes in the load chamber so each silk comes out separate.
That has generally kept the silks from coming out too crushed. For an upcoming set of travels shows I am unable to take my large tube and have experimented with the small tube used for vanishing milk glass. It works but the silks are coming out more creased. These are relatively new silks and was hoping there was a way to speed up the “work in” process; or some other secret like static guard.

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If they are solid color silk, wash them in a lukewarm warm with woolite or a mild detergent. Then rinse them in water with 1 or 2 drops of fabric softner. This will help soften them and kill the static. Stick them to the glass or mirror to dry them. This should help.
Richard E. Hughes, Hughes Magic Inc., 352 N. Prospect St., Ravenna, OH 44266 (330)296-4023
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