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Thanks Xtasy0, that helps. What I meant by the spectators are on the sides is that the bleachers in front of me often stretch out pretty far, not that they actually enclose me on three sides. My show requires a "one-sided" world. If not, my act would be pretty limited, eh!
If you claimed to have stopped time, I would ask you for how long you stopped it.
Hart Keene
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On 2005-02-02 17:47, David Ranalli wrote:
On 2005-02-01 18:33, multiply wrote:
To see what Mr Fearson is doing next, check out:

If you thought 'Station Manager' was weird, well.......

Anyway, good luck to you, Steve. You have earned your success now go and enjoy it!

Haha Nice. I especially loved: "The ingestion of a potentiating herbal compound combined with properly directed sensory input alters the perception of the viewer in such a way that anything outside of the recorded experience disappears and the viewer feels him or herself traveling into the screen until finally you are totally immersed in the video world." I think they already invented that, it's called marijuana.

We invented beer, God(s) invented marijuana. I have used this in my walk-around, it kills!*lol* How else can us magicians think like lay people? Use wisely...

Check out my website:
Magician Portland Oregon
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Profile of Daegs
By that logic god invented beer also, as he "invented" barely and hops...

True there is a process involved, but you have to smoke marijuana and harvest it, which is a process too. You can't just look at Marijuana and get high.....

Just saying, either god invented earth and therefore everything in it, or he didn't create any of it. Smile
Hart Keene
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On 2005-02-02 18:59, Daegs wrote:
By that logic god invented beer also, as he "invented" barely and hops...

True there is a process involved, but you have to smoke marijuana and harvest it, which is a process too. You can't just look at Marijuana and get high.....

Just saying, either god invented earth and therefore everything in it, or he didn't create any of it. Smile

I was just joking to begin with. I wasn't trying to get technical. I was simply replying to the "they invented marijuana" comment above. Beer was definitely "invented" by man. Just like a car, it doesn't work without combining all of the components. Marijuana(chronic) on the other hand, could be ingested by itself to feel the effects. Or smoked, or vaporized, etc...

Check out my website:
Magician Portland Oregon
JoJo Hermann
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If anyone isn't happy with the trick, and want to sell it to me, I will buy it from you. PM me.
Steve Hook
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On 2005-02-02 11:49, oombob wrote:

Roberto Gee... a hilarious and accurate assesment. Thanks for the howl.

Interesting Bob....I was just thinking how unfunny and adolescent the humor was. Just goes to show how subjective comedy is.

But to each his own, right?
Roberto Gee
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I appreciate your generous offer, but I have already entered into an exclusive agreement with the Masked Magician for the "Vienna Sausage Levitation." BTW, I'm not surprised you are "little" and "short," Spawn of Satan.

Though, if your name really IS Tony Clifton . . . didn't I see you mud-wrestle Melinda, First Lady of Magic, at the old Arena on Vine in Hollywood years ago? Before she bought "Impaled" and went on to Vegas, uh, stardom?

IMHO, "Impaled" can't compare to the "Finger Chopper" illusion you performed at the Magic Castle, Tony, in the late 70s. Remember? Where the blade penetrates your finger and then severs the cigarette in the little hole BELOW your finger? WOW! Too bad the humorless, thin-skinned egos at the Castle couldn't take your brilliance and escorted you out. It was a night I'll never forget. As you know, magicians are notoriously testy when bested.

Okay, mattisdx, you asked for it. Here's my 21-card deck routine, which has so far bewildered several elderly relatives. I'm still refining it to meet my professional standards of taste and skill, and would appreciate your suggestions -- unlike the Spawn of Satan, above. Therefore, I'm revealing the method and suggested patter here. First, the effect.

Invite a spectator, ANY spectator, to closely examine your "deck" of cards. "You'll notice there are only twenty-one cards," you inform them. "The other twenty-one cards are secreted in a DIMENSION OF TIME AND SPACE THAT MAN CANNOT KNOW!"

And I'm not exaggerating. Man cannot know where they are. Nor woman. Nor children.

To continue with the effect and the patter:

(Soto voce and confidentially) "If I told you where the other cards were, and how they got there, you might LOSE YOUR MIND! (Louder) NOW! Think of a card. ANY card! Don't tell me what it is! Just picture it in your mind! See it clearly, as if it were floating in front of your face!"

Spread all twenty-one cards on the table, or any surface that will support twenty-one cards, like the floor. I often follow this with "Arm Twister," which, for some reason, seems to grab them more and also utilizes the floor.

"NOW! Look at the cards! The card you thought of -- is it there?"

If it's there, they will gasp in delight and astonishment.

"See? You could have been wrong! You weren't working with a full deck! And yet -- THERE'S YOUR CARD! CONGRATULATIONS!"

If their card ISN'T there, and here's the beauty part, then you scoop up all the cards into a neat pile, square them off, and say:

"I KNEW it! The card you thought of is IN THE OTHER DIMENSION OF TIME AND SPACE! Keep thinking of your card. Picture it in your mind. Because we're now going to REACH INTO THAT OTHER DIMENSION . . . A DIMENSION BEYOND THE HERE AND NOW . . . and PLUCK YOUR CARD!"

Hold up both hands, extend your index fingers, and move them toward the subject's eyes, slowly, saying, "I want you to close your eyes and let me rest my fingers lightly on your eyelids while you concentrate on nothing but your card."

As they close their eyes, you substitute two fingers of one hand for the two fingers of two hands you were apparently going to blind them with. (The "Moe move," I call it. See CamelotFX's insightful post above.)

With your free hand, you silently scoop up the pack of cards on the table (or other surface) and substitute it for the OTHER pack of twenty-one cards in your pocket, then place THAT pile on the surface that will support twenty-one cards, or the floor, or whatever, in EXACTLY the same place.

Then, and this TIMING IS CRUCIAL: as you're about to remove your two fingers from their eyelids, bring your OTHER hand up so that when they open their eyes it looks like you've had BOTH hands on their eyelids all the time!

For novices, who shouldn't be here in the first place, this is called "misdirection."

"HAVE YOU BEEN THINKING OF AND VISUALIZING YOUR CARD?" you demand, authoratively, or meekly, if that's your preferred performance style.

"If you have, then YOUR OWN THOUGHT PATTERNS will have materialized your card FROM ANOTHER DIMENSION -- WHICH MAN CANNOT KNOW, LEST HE GO MAD -- in this pile of cards you previously examined," (glance at the pile of cards). "I have not taken my two fingers from your eyelids, have I?"

They'll say, "No."

"I cannot have touched these cards in any way, can I?"

They'll say, "No."


They will spread the cards and discover the card they thought of. Shake their hand soberly and congratulate them.

Then finish with "Arm Twister."

Oh, yeah. Full disclosure. I forgot to mention. You can only perform this feat for one person at a time.

The "Moe move" alone (credit to CamelotFX for the moniker), IMHO, is a 21st Century advancement in magical arts, however.

I'm currently working on a vanishing elephant routine, using that arcane technique.

Again, it can only be performed for one. But imagine their faces!

Thanks, mattisdx, for any refinements you may contribute. You too, CamelotFX. But not you, damien666, Spawn of Satan.
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On 2005-02-02 22:21, Steve Hook wrote:
On 2005-02-02 11:49, oombob wrote:

Roberto Gee... a hilarious and accurate assesment. Thanks for the howl.

Interesting Bob....I was just thinking how unfunny and adolescent the humor was. Just goes to show how subjective comedy is.

But to each his own, right?

I agree man...I have never seen so many people so angry about something. Its really kind of funny.

Like I mentioned before, I bought the trick, and its a pretty good application of a really old idea. I would have never thought of it, and neither did you.

I do have a question I really want to ask to those people who are complaning about this idea...Who is it that you are trying to entertain? If your goal is to entertain some other person, the "self vanish" is a great way to do it. True that as everyone else including Steve mentioned, accomplishing this will take practice and you will probably get caught the first few times...but to someone who has never seen it before, its pretty amazing. I have tried it and it works for me...but to all the people bashing it and saying it sucks, it will never work for you because you don't want it to. Either that or you are just too lazy to work on it...and the more I read posts here in the Café, the more I wonder how some of your shows must look...using only effects that you can do five minutes after you take the "insert trick name here" out of the box.

Even for people who are familiar with the old poltergeist parlour trick, using it to vanish yourself is, as far as I know, a brand new idea. If presented correctly, a spectator would probably never even associate the two.

So who is it that you want to entertain?? others? or yourself? No, you aren't going to take this idea to a ring meeting and fool a lot of other magicians with it, but fooling other magicians isn't what I personally try to do. Cause when it comes down to it, your still using IT to float that cigarette and you still Fo***d that card. Entertaining magicians is a really hard job, just ask Mr. Fearson or Mr. Carbone...or just look at yourselves, because in this case, YOU are the audience. If that's your thing, well good luck with all that...I'll be the one up there on the stage... performing for the laymen that are still amazed by our art of Magic.

My Best,
"Come to the edge," he said, They Said "We Are Afraid," "Come to the edge," he said, They Came, He Pushed Them...And They Flew. -Apollinaire

"If there be a skeptical star, I was born under it. Yet I have lived all my days in complete astonishment." -W. MacNeile Dixon
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On 2005-02-02 22:45, Roberto Gee wrote:

Invite a spectator, ANY spectator, to closely examine your "deck" of cards. "You'll notice there are only twenty-one cards," you inform them. "The other twenty-one cards are secreted in a DIMENSION OF TIME AND SPACE THAT MAN CANNOT KNOW!"

And I'm not exaggerating. Man cannot know where they are. Nor woman. Nor children.

To continue with the effect and the patter:

(Soto voce and confidentially) "If I told you where the other cards were, and how they got there, you might LOSE YOUR MIND! (Louder) NOW! Think of a card. ANY card! Don't tell me what it is! Just picture it in your mind! See it clearly, as if it were floating in front of your face!"

Spread all twenty-one cards on the table, or any surface that will support twenty-one cards, like the floor. I often follow this with "Arm Twister," which, for some reason, seems to grab them more and also utilizes the floor.

"NOW! Look at the cards! The card you thought of -- is it there?"

If it's there, they will gasp in delight and astonishment.

"See? You could have been wrong! You weren't working with a full deck! And yet -- THERE'S YOUR CARD! CONGRATULATIONS!"

If their card ISN'T there, and here's the beauty part, then you scoop up all the cards into a neat pile, square them off, and say:

"I KNEW it! The card you thought of is IN THE OTHER DIMENSION OF TIME AND SPACE! Keep thinking of your card. Picture it in your mind. Because we're now going to REACH INTO THAT OTHER DIMENSION . . . A DIMENSION BEYOND THE HERE AND NOW . . . and PLUCK YOUR CARD!"

Hold up both hands, extend your index fingers, and move them toward the subject's eyes, slowly, saying, "I want you to close your eyes and let me rest my fingers lightly on your eyelids while you concentrate on nothing but your card."

As they close their eyes, you substitute two fingers of one hand for the two fingers of two hands you were apparently going to blind them with. (The "Moe move," I call it. See CamelotFX's insightful post above.)

With your free hand, you silently scoop up the pack of cards on the table (or other surface) and substitute it for the OTHER pack of twenty-one cards in your pocket, then place THAT pile on the surface that will support twenty-one cards, or the floor, or whatever, in EXACTLY the same place.

Then, and this TIMING IS CRUCIAL: as you're about to remove your two fingers from their eyelids, bring your OTHER hand up so that when they open their eyes it looks like you've had BOTH hands on their eyelids all the time!

For novices, who shouldn't be here in the first place, this is called "misdirection."

"HAVE YOU BEEN THINKING OF AND VISUALIZING YOUR CARD?" you demand, authoratively, or meekly, if that's your preferred performance style.

"If you have, then YOUR OWN THOUGHT PATTERNS will have materialized your card FROM ANOTHER DIMENSION -- WHICH MAN CANNOT KNOW, LEST HE GO MAD -- in this pile of cards you previously examined," (glance at the pile of cards). "I have not taken my two fingers from your eyelids, have I?"

They'll say, "No."

"I cannot have touched these cards in any way, can I?"

They'll say, "No."


They will spread the cards and discover the card they thought of. Shake their hand soberly and congratulate them.

Then finish with "Arm Twister."

Oh, yeah. Full disclosure. I forgot to mention. You can only perform this feat for one person at a time.

The "Moe move" alone (credit to CamelotFX for the moniker), IMHO, is a 21st Century advancement in magical arts, however.

I'm currently working on a vanishing elephant routine, using that arcane technique.

Again, it can only be performed for one. But imagine their faces!

AMAZING !!! Totally Amazing ! My breath was taken away after reviewing everything that you gave to us ! Oh the Subtleties !!! Totally breathtaking. Is this a new technique ? Because I've never heard of it before.

Here's an idea for a refinement on the 21 card trick:

Before your about to reveal their chosen card, ask the spectator to close their eyes and walk out of the room like that to quote "Protect them from the other dimensional rays and/or UFO's". If your lucky they'll bang their head into a wall, get knocked unconcious, and awaken seeing stars and that their card has returned from another Dimension !!!

With idea's like this, it's only a matter of time before people are paying the likes of $6.95 for amazing illusions such as the above !
Roberto Gee
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Mattisdx --

Your UFO concept is excellent.

The other thing I forgot to mention is that, whatever you do, NEVER exhibit a sense of humor. Otherwise, the whole thing falls apart in adolescent unfunniness.

Which is the last thing I want. Particularly when presenting my "Rice Bowls" routine in black-tie with an 8-track boom-box on the floor blasting the theme from "2001: A Space Odyssey."
Roberto Gee
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BTW --

Fearson's "Floating Cigarette" is perhaps my FAVORITE routine. Brilliant! A beautiful and rewarding thing to perform. Yes, I bought it. And yes, I've bought other things from him. And yes, I'm on his mailing list. And yes, I think he's creative and appreciate all he contributes to our community.

And I still like Mattisdx's UFO suggestion for the "21 Cards." And Camelot's "Moe Move" for the vanishing elephant.

Then again, it's hard to think straight when "Thus Spake Tharathustra" is blaring at you from an 8-track boom-box and the neighbors are complaining.
Roberto Gee
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I've loved working with Fearson's "Cigarette" routine. I've learned to treat the lit cigarette itself like a girl I'm flirting with. (Okay, anti-tobacco non-smokers: don't flame me. It could be ANY inanimate lightweight object.)

I inhale, exhale the smoke, withdraw the cigarette from my lips, then look at it, frowning slightly. Cock my head slightly, like a dog.

Then release my fingers from the cigarette and let it hang there, suspended in mid-air, while I look on, perplexed.

Then I go through the rest of my choreography . . . letting my face (I hope, subtly) register everything from initial bewilderment to flirtation and finally delight . . . until I'm literally flirting with the darned thing, motioning for it to come on up and kiss me.

My favorite segment (and my entire routine takes, at most, one minute), is to finally begin gesturing to the cigarette to come on up and kiss me. I coax it with gestures from my left hand and fingers, non-verbally, puckering my lips. I, along with everybody else, watch it hesitate, then decide to rise to my lips . . . still uncertain . . . then pause in front of my lips . . . I give it an "air kiss" . . . and watch it dart into my mouth. Where I take it between my fingers and inhale, blow out the smoke, smile at it and extinguish it in a nearby ashtray. "Well," I confide, "we have to stop somewhere."

The key, to me?

Acting surprised, at the outset, that the cigarette has a life and personality of its own.

Which it DOES!

The audience focus, like mine, is immediately -- and permanently -- on the "living" cigarette.

Thanks to Fearson.

Just my two cents.
David Bilan
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A living cigarette... Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase, "I'm dying for a smoke..."
Yes, I am a magician. No I did not make my hare (hair) disappear... it just took early retirement.
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Profile of tuffnavyrn
It seems as both this effect and this thread are now a total joke.
"That smart thing that somebody else said".
Roberto Gee
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Huh? I'm serious, Tuffnavyrn. That's how I perform Ferson's "Floating Cigarette."

I think it's a brilliant piece of Fearson work and I love showing it, exactly as I've described.

The "Station Manager Document?" on the other hand?

Anybody could have found it -- free -- online -- in newsgroups like alt.magic.secrets.

What a ridiculous piece of rehashed crap. Not that there's anything wrong with that. There's a sucker born every minute.

But please. We understand that nobody can bat a thousand out of the gate. Just don't insult our intelligence with BS "marketing."

Fearson, honestly, is too good and too inventive to go that route.

He cheapens himself (and those who "brainstorm" with him) with overhyped party gags masquerading as magic, IMHO.

Pick a card. Any card.
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When was the last time we had a 11 page thread for an item under $10 Smile

it must be good.
Roberto Gee
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Wait a minute, Mehtas. You actually READ all 11 pages in this thread?

I was about to put my old Abbott's "Flower Tray" up for auction on eBay for under $10, including shipping.

Even though we don't use boats anymore.

To "ship," that is.

PM if interested.

Will include "Station Manager Document" if you're willing to risk LOSING YOUR MIND!
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Profile of Mehtas
On 2005-02-03 06:53, Roberto Gee wrote:

Will include "Station Manager Document" ..........

No thanks, I did buy it sometime ago and it took me few days to get the content out of my mind.
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Profile of mattisdx
On 2005-02-03 08:26, Mehtas wrote:
On 2005-02-03 06:53, Roberto Gee wrote:

Will include "Station Manager Document" ..........

No thanks, I did buy it sometime ago and it took me few days to get the content out of my mind.

So it actually made you go crazy ??? Another Fearson Miracle !!!
Steve Hook
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Someone emailed me today about how The Magic Café is going down the tubes and I have to agree. This thread is a perfect example. It's too bad because Steve and his minion have worked hard to get it to its previous pinnacle.

By the way, Matt, all posts take up x amount of expensive server space. It is not necessary to quote the entire previous posts (especially gaseous ones). You can either not quote and just post or you can delete most of a quote to just keep that which is most relevant to your reply.
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