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Hart Keene
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More posts and pages on this thread will help Mr. Fearson sell more of this new effect. Remember: Controversy sells! Keep em comin guys and gals!

Check out my website:
Magician Portland Oregon
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I LOVE Goodbye vanish!!!

Used it all week. Try this: get close to the doorway and line the spec up so when you go behind them you can duck out the doorway and run away. Tell the spec that you just bought some really cool shoes that turn invisible. Have them look at your shoes very well while they are on your feet.

Do the moves for the trick, but slip out of your shoes and leave them on the floor, while you duck out of the room.

I am going to set up a camera to see what they look like, because they always scream and laugh.

I hope this thread can take a positive turn.
James Linn
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Profile of TonyKo
On 2005-02-03 14:34, Magic w/ HART wrote:
More posts and pages on this thread will help Mr. Fearson sell more of this new effect. Remember: Controversy sells! Keep em comin guys and gals!

It is not about mr. Fearson selling more or not. The fact is that this is a genuinely controversial product. Someone loves it, and some don't. If you think you don't want to try it, fine, the product doesn't suit you. But that doesn't mean that it is bad. A top change, or even a double turnover, is not for everyone.
David Bilan
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Steve Hooks complains about the number of posts this effect has received. It all relates to interest. Whether it's like looking at the remains of a car wreck, or wanting to learn more, some people have a hard time turning away.

The thread is for those interested. It's not hard to skip if you are tired of it...
Yes, I am a magician. No I did not make my hare (hair) disappear... it just took early retirement.
Steve Hook
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Your advice is based on incorrect reading of my post. Please give it another, more careful read.

There was no mention of the "number of posts". What did you read?

I made two points: one concerned Matt's proclivity to quote entire long posts, which only wastes server space. I'm not sure if he means to do that (you could ask him) or if he thinks the only way to reply is to click "quote" (it's not, of course).

The other point, which has been raised behind the scenes by those smarter and higher up the food chain than I (but with whom I share the same opinion), is that there is an ongoing irony here and at other boards which is based on people either wanting to know how something works before they buy it or deciding to denigrate a product before they even use it in a real performance.

I get PMs and emails attributing this to the age ("young and inexperienced") of the writers but I also see similar posts from guys I know are older and more experienced.

Now granted, there's no way to have a board where everyone only post ideas you or I will agree with. Of course that's an absurd wish. But there are those at this board who consistently post nonsense.

Again, I don't know what post YOU read but I didn't say anything previously about "the number of posts". In fact, YOUR post falls into the blather category, just for additional irony.

Maybe you would agree, though, that 1) fishing for methods and 2) criticising products without actually trying them are both foolish postings.

And there's a 3rd category: expecting, for instance, a "real" "full-body" vanish of a human being for $6.95! First of all, there's no such thing as a "real" vanish, which leaves an elaborate, probably stage-venue contraption as the method. Again, you're not going to get that for $6.95.

So why don't we leave it with this, a call for common sense, mixed with a respect for people like Steve Fearson, Angelo Carbone, and Paul Harris?

I welcome your comment, Mr. Bilan.

Steve Hook (no need to add the "s", there's only one of me here)

ps: How the heck do you do that skull trick?!
Jesse Feinberg
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ORGANIC VR? my friend had a funny quote for that one... he said "if its illegal in Denmark, then it MUST be crack!" and so true... Everything is legal in Denmark right? but this is seriously worse than the vanish trick. I LOVE Fearsons floating cig, thumb things cool, floating is nice, although we forget to mention one thing I think? Re-Cap is a COMPLETE ripoff isn't it? isn't healed and sealed the original... Im not hatin on Fearson, I really respect him as a creative mind/magician... I havent bought this trick, I don't know if I even want too. Plus I don't have a credit card. I think I may already know... -Jesse
Larry Davidson
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I suggest that everyone read Steve Hook's mention above about expectation.

On a somewhat related note, I find that many magicians are on the constant search for the perfect trick, it's like an addiction. They purchase something and discover the cons, they focus on the cons versus the positives, and they stop thinking. Guess what? There's no such thing as the perfect trick, there never has been, and there never will be. Magic that's perfect wouldn't be a trick.

Wanna completely vanish with this? Think. Immediately after reading the method I figured out a variation which would allow that, but not surprisingly, it has cons.
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One of the really good things about something like Steve's self-vanish is that, sooner or later, people will start to think of improvements. In fact, I believe that I have an improved method...although not totally impromptu...that I have posted in the related thread under the Secret Sessions area. Although I haven't tried it yet, I will because I think I can get it to work and I will be more confident with the setup. Some others have also posted improvements and embellishments of Steves idea. I am interested enough in the concept of a one-man vanish that I hope we can keep spring-boarding off this and, down the road, end up with something that is better than any one of us, alone, could have created. We do it all the time with other effects...why not this one? And, it would be hard to beat a really excellent self-vanish!
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Profile of johnnymystic
Okay what exactly is the effect of this self vanish, from begining to end?

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Profile of mugician51
I just got this and I agree that it is good in the way that it will get people thinking. I like the method Steve used to accomplish this effect, but I really get the feeling that at the moment, the trick would best be used as a throw away gag, because as it is now, I see no way that anyone could really be fooled into thinking you vanished.
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Profile of Mehtas
I can see some points made about those spectators who talk big about your effects.

I perfomed the vanishing milk in a paper cone in one of my gig, and one guy goes away and says I vanished a big drum full of milk. till this day I havent been able to vanish a big drum full of milk Smile Smile

The problem is where to get those spectators who will make effects bigger than they really are.

is it just hit or miss thingy or there is a solution to what I just mentioned ??

In my opinion the best thing to do is not to tell them that you're going to vanish. just say you're going to change into something else or change the color of your cloths.

Do I make any sence ??

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Profile of eggshell
I can honestly say to Steve Hook that I don't think the Magic Café is going down the pan at the moment. Take this topic for instance, where a wide range of people have had their say good or bad in respect of Steve Fearsons vanish. What's wrong with that, nothing. It demonstrates freedom of speech and it gives the undecided something to think about.
Where the Magic Café would be going down the pan would be if everything that came out was treated negatively or where a "name" could get good reviews for everything they put out. Thank god this isn't happening.
Of course it isn't a perfect world and there are those who would criticise without any information on an effect just as there are those who will get over excited and commit themselves to how good a product is going to be before they even see it. ( These people will then defend their position against all comers rather than admit they got it wrong.) But still for all that, on balance the Café is still a good place to be.
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Profile of alanm99
...... and Mr Hook had a tone of bullying in his posts. almost trying and force to respect his friend. All the members should have right of opinion to say if something is good or bad.
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Profile of Xiqual
On 2005-02-06 18:32, eggshell wrote:
I can honestly say to Steve Hook that I don't think the Magic Café is going down the pan at the moment. Take this topic for instance, where a wide range of people have had their say good or bad in respect of Steve Fearsons vanish. What's wrong with that, nothing. It demonstrates freedom of speech and it gives the undecided something to think about.

The problems with this thread and a lot of the "review" threads is that a lot of people are just saying "I hate it" , "Fearson is a con artist" but they don't give reasons why they don't like the effect.

This thread too has gone way off topic with people talking about using "E" and other drugs, posting a link to a webpage and saying it's "Fearson's latest adventure"
people going into ridiculous flatulent prose about fantasy tricks they supposedly perform and a lot of other off topic comments.

The thread topic is "Goodbye vanish" if you have it, comment on it. If you like it, say why, if you hate it, say why. These are the rules of Magic Café. Posting off topic garbage is not freedom of speech [not that this is a democracy anyway] it's useless noise.

James Linn

eggshell wrote:
But still for all that, on balance the Café is still a good place to be.

I agree completely
Still with the Chinese circus Smile
David Bilan
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Yes... The Café is a great forum, and yes, this thread has wandered off topic. I paid my money, felt I received good value and offered my comments (see much earlier in the thread).

For those unhappy... we all knew we were purchasing a secret. Would you have been happier if the effect required spending two thousand dollars and had to be performed on stage? The best effects have the simpliest principles.

I'm not saying this is the best effect I've ever purchased. But I've paid more for less.

How much is your time worth? Figure out what you get paid and figure out if you've spent more than $7.95 worth of time griping if you are unhappy. Take it from there.
Yes, I am a magician. No I did not make my hare (hair) disappear... it just took early retirement.
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Profile of eggshell
Totally agree that we should stay on topic. The only thing that annoys me more on these forums is that when somebody doesn't like an effect they are variously accused of "whining","complaining","griping", being disrespectful, wanting it easy, not understanding what a great effect something really is, not appreciating the years of research that has gone into an effect, not being able to do any better ( Most of us can't direct a film either but we know a stinker when we see one),being small-minded...and on and on and on.

If you like it you like it, if you don't you don't. I have bought it and I don't like it and no amount of bullying is going to change my mind.
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Profile of Xiqual
Hi Eggshell,
Point well taken. I think all those problems could be solved easily by using guidelines to the reviews that are posted.

First and most obvious, if you don't own the product DON'T POST A REVIEW.
I know that really seems ridiculous but a lot of people do post when they don't have the product.

Second, post WHY you like or don't like it. Try to be clear. Give reasons. If you do that, you will have more credibility.

Most obvious, don't post comments about how many drugs you have taken in the past.
Trust me, nobody cares.

Still with the Chinese circus Smile
Roberto Gee
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And another thing.

If there's one thing I can't STAND, it's a sense of humor about magic, and pre-effect hype.

Especially from that Mattisdx person.

He wouldn't know a Rice Bowl routine from a Zombie ball.

Not that I've actually PERFORMED either of those gigundous illusions.

They're tough to pull off in a clown suit without a sense of humor.

I'm an IT worker, myself.
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Wait a minute, are you telling me that after all these years of floating rice bowls, I was actually supposed to be using one of those silver balls ??? You've got to be kidding me !!!
Roberto Gee
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Okay. In all seriousness.

You "floated" the rice bowls?

IT or TT?

Uncle Ben's? Or generic?

"Vanish" finish? Or "Gorilla" blow-off?

Are we talking adult corporate audience or pre-teen b'day party?

Will pay up to $6.95 US, on installments.

PM me immediately.

Or, at least, within next several weeks.

I don't get booked often, for some reason. So time factor not crucial.
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