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I bought mine (the one you saw in the demo) over a year ago and the quality was great, the last one that went out the gentleman commented he was very pleased with the quality.

The only complaint I have ever heard on these was a biggy, Abbotts made up a special black one for someone and accidently sent a black die with a green box (which was a shipping dept error). That gentleman also complimented the quality (Abbott's sent him out the correct colored die).

They are sold out for the moment but they are in the process of making 3 more, hopefully by the end of the week. If you like I can post some pics on the quality of this lot.

I am not sure if Bud West makes this product or not, I will check it out as I know he makes the Shenanigan and a few others for Abbotts.
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Profile of M-Illusion
I have both a Twin Di (about 3-4 years old) and a Shenanigan, which I bought about a year ago. Both are of good quality and serve me well! The Twin Di is the finale for my platform shows and the Shenanigan is occasionally used as an in-one piece for my larger show.
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Profile of magicgettogether
Originally made by Arturo, Twin Di has been made by the Bud West family the last couple decades, the die ***** is made by one of Abbott's machinist (which explains how they mixed up the wrong die with the wrong box once).

There is a testimonial on the product page along with a demo
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Bud West must be about a zillion years "young" by now. Does he still really produce magic props?

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Profile of Regan
I wanted to modify a die box for a certain routine, so I bought a cheap model. I guess it came from India. I did the modifications and I use it mostly for Christmas related shows.

Anyway, I have always planned on getting a good one someday. Well, today is the day! (Almost) I called Mel Babcock and I ordered a See-Thru Block Box with a matching Block Production Box. Now I won't be able to sleep until it arrives! Smile

I really like the concept of the See-Thru Block Box. The Rubik's Cube-type block appeals to me more than a die. I always thought the re-appearance of the die in a hat (or whatever) seemed kind of hokey, since you have to go there before the die is placed in the box. The method used by the See-Thru Block Box eliminates the need for that, and having the Block Production Box to reappear the block will be icing on the cake!

I am excited!

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Profile of brangwinj
I have several of Mel's die boxs great boxs great guy . I will add one story I left my see through box in a cool inside room several months and then did a show without checking box --side openings would not pull out swelled tight --check your props .
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On 2010-05-04 21:00, brangwinj wrote:
I have several of Mel's die boxs great boxs great guy . I will add one story I left my see through box in a cool inside room several months and then did a show without checking box --side openings would not pull out swelled tight --check your props .

I had that happen with a drawer box, but fortunately it corrected itself when the weather changed. Acoustic guitars also tend to need TLC with the seasons if you live in a climate where the temperature and humidity vary quite a bit.
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Profile of Regan
Thanks for the headsup on the sliding end panels. I'll second that Mel is a great guy, and that he makes great die boxes! I love my Babcock set!

I'll secnd the acoustic guitar humidity theory also. I own 6 guitars, and my daughter has 2, so that makes a total of 8 in our house. Three of them are acoustic. I am very careful with my best acoustic that I use at my live gigs. I have not had any problems, but I know what can happen.

I have wanted a Taylor acoustic guitar for a long time. The humidity factor is one thing that has scared me away forom buying one. The neck is so true on Taylos guitars, and the action can be kept lower than it can on most acoustics. They play fantastic, which is one of the appealing things about Taylors. However, humidity has to be controlled or real problems can occur.

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Profile of Rainboguy
Here's a link to a photo showing what I think is, arguably, the best die box ever made....the Delben Die Box
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Profile of epoptika
Wandering off topic here but speaking of Taylor guitars, Regan, have you seen the video on YouTube called "United Breaks Guitars"? Very entertaining.
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Profile of GeorgeG
Owning a huge Alan Warner collection (oil rubbed teak wood), humidity and temperature is a pain. I keep a humidity gauge and thermometer in the room I store my collection and have had for a few years now a console humidifier that can handle the whole house (gets very dry during the winter months in Southern California). Fight with the wife about running the A/C when no one is home during the summers.

BTW, also have 3 guitars (one is a Martin acoustic, the other two solid bodies electrics)
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Profile of Stevethomas
Come to the South if you need more humidity. Other end of the spectrum, trust me.

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Profile of Nat
I am lucky to own a Cassini Die Box - beautiful.

Any references to get a Gunther-Mendoza or Harbin, Jr.Die Box?


On 2010-06-12 09:07, Rainboguy wrote:
Here's a link to a photo showing what I think is, arguably, the best die box ever made....the Delben Die Box
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Profile of gimpy2
I spent a lot of time sweeping floors at Delben back in the 70's. Several have mentioned the Delben jumbo die box. I only remember one size of die box being built. Did they do other sizes or just the jumbo?

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Profile of MagicLaw
I have a good collection of die boxes ranging over 80+ yrs. Mel Babcock's Die Boxes are phenomenal and probably my favorite, but my most collectible is a miniture 1930s Thayer die box (hallmarked). It is about 3" long with a 3/4" die. Incredibly rare and I've only seen one or two others on the market. I also have a regular-sized Thayer die box, 2 Milson Worth die boxes (Joe Berg style), and several others.
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On 2010-06-12 09:07, Rainboguy wrote:
Here's a link to a photo showing what I think is, arguably, the best die box ever made....the Delben Die Box

You're dead on. This is a beautiful box.

Then again, it seems like anything with "Delben" on it is beautiful.
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Profile of Rainboguy
Wizard of Oz........and to think I could have bought one from Ben Stone for about a hundred bucks and I bought a set of his linking coathangers instead.....BOY....are they ever beautiful!! And his "Coathanger Capers" routine is awesome~! GREAT MOVES!
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Profile of Wizard of Oz
Doesn't sound like a bad situation to be in Rainboguy!

shhhh. speak quietly and type in lower case so no one hears us... do you think he still has this box available for $100? I'll take it! but shhhhh. it's our secret.
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Profile of fortasse
The Babcock boxes are highly recommended. Superb craftsmanship.

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Profile of bmehagan
May 2012
Where can I get a decent Die Box for around $100-$121?
The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Oldies... but goodies! » » What's the best Die Box? (25 Likes)
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