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On 2004-11-03 15:53, dking66 wrote:
Just started collecting Die Boxes! I have several... Owen Sliding Clock Box; Milson Worth Die Box; Owen Oriental Die Box; Abbott's Cig Box; Brema Coin Box; Davenport Die Box; Babcock Die Box; etc. Was wondering what many of you think is the best made Die Box? The most collectible Die Box? The prettiest Die Box?

I have several die boxes however the one that I use is the Mel Babcock die box. It gets the best reactions.
Michael Baker
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On 2012-05-03 17:34, flimflams wrote:

I have several die boxes however the one that I use is the Mel Babcock die box. It gets the best reactions.

Interesting. You obviously have yours trained well. I have seen many that just sit on the shelf and don't do anything. Smile
~michael baker
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John Macmillan
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On 2012-05-03 17:34, flimflams wrote:

I have several die boxes however the one that I use is the Mel Babcock die box. It gets the best reactions.

Anyone care to comment on optimal size i.e. Mel Babcock's are 4", 3", and 2 1/4" Dies? 4" seems to be a bit big but I suppose it really depends on the venue it will be used in.
Michael Baker
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The venue will somewhat determine the size used, but you must also be comfortable performing with the prop. As example, I own a Jumbo Shenanigan Die Box that has a 5" die. It is simply too unwieldy for me to handle gracefully in the context I'd prefer to use it.

Regarding your question of Mel Babcock's boxes, see if you can construct a few boxes of the same sizes in cardboard, and see which feels right to you. Consider also that the real thing will weigh a lot more than the cardboard mock up. Smile
~michael baker
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I have both the 3" and 2 1/4" size of a couple of versions of Mel's Die Boxes. I honestly think I prefer the smaller of the two. This size is very easy to handle can be comfortably used in most situations, including semi close-up.

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I'm not sure this is the "best" die box, as that term can refer to a lot of features and functionality. But out of the dozen or so boxes I own, this one is handw-down the most beautiful:
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Profile of bobmag56
The Gerlitz Die Box (the older model with the dragon graphics is very nice, but his later model with new oriental graphics is fabulous). I also have a Mel Babcock Die box in Jumbo size. I think he made only 12 and it has a 5" white die (looks and works great).
Magical Moments
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I would say Mel Babcock makes the best Die Boxes. Not only does he make them in the size you want, he also gives you choices of die and box color or type of wood with or without inlay strips if you prefer unpainted wood boxes.

He is very accommodating to suit your needs. In addition, his prices are quite reasonable for what you are getting which is a hand crafted prop made to suit your taste. You cannot beat that!

And by the way, he is a great and very knowledgable guy!!
Wizard of Oz
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On Apr 27, 2019, Magical Moments wrote:
I would say Mel Babcock makes the best Die Boxes. Not only does he make them in the size you want, he also gives you choices of die and box color or type of wood with or without inlay strips if you prefer unpainted wood boxes.

He is very accommodating to suit your needs. In addition, his prices are quite reasonable for what you are getting which is a hand crafted prop made to suit your taste. You cannot beat that!

And by the way, he is a great and very knowledgable guy!!

I would agree. I own probably a half a dozen of Mel's boxes, and they are stellar. The craftsmanship is topnotch, and these are props made for workers. They will last.

Many have said that Mel could charge much more than what he does, and I agree. But that fairness makes him even more likable.
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Profile of martinsmagic
On Apr 27, 2019, Wizard of Oz wrote:
On Apr 27, 2019, Magical Moments wrote:
I would say Mel Babcock makes the best Die Boxes. Not only does he make them in the size you want, he also gives you choices of die and box color or type of wood with or without inlay strips if you prefer unpainted wood boxes.

He is very accommodating to suit your needs. In addition, his prices are quite reasonable for what you are getting which is a hand crafted prop made to suit your taste. You cannot beat that!

And by the way, he is a great and very knowledgable guy!!

I would agree. I own probably a half a dozen of Mel's boxes, and they are stellar. The craftsmanship is topnotch, and these are props made for workers. They will last.

Many have said that Mel could charge much more than what he does, and I agree. But that fairness makes him even more likable.

Hi Greg,

I don't really collect Die Boxes (though when you look at these you'd never know it!). But I think you hit the nail on the head Michael Baker probably makes the most beautiful die boxes currently. And if you were going to perform the die box on a regular basis you'd find it hard to beat Mel's at any price, but at his prices there is nothing close. What I really like about Mel's boxes is they just feel right in the hands.

Ben Stone of Delben made a wonderful die box that was huge and quite plain by todays ones, but worked perfectly!

Milson-Worth built one of (if not the) prettiest Die Boxes here. And of course Owen's made some real pretty and smooth operating ones.

Of course there are 100's of others. And they all have their fan base. But I've always liked Mel's the best overall.

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Profile of equivoque
I like the abbots box where you can show the die is in the box at any time, but I would like that in a rubixs cube model. Do they make one?
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Rubixs cube die box is a great idea
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On Dec 19, 2020, equivoque wrote:
I like the abbots box where you can show the die is in the box at any time, but I would like that in a rubixs cube model. Do they make one?

If Abbott's doesn't:

Mel Babcock can make just about anything you can envision, especially in the line of Die Boxes. It wouldn't hurt to contact him and discuss exactly you're looking for...

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Profile of dfolson
Mel does make a Rubixs cube solving die box. It is one of my favorite props.
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As mentioned by others, Mel is spending fewer and fewer hours in his workshop as he nears his 90th Birthday.

Now may be a good time to check to see if whichever of his goodies you have been lusting after is still available...

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On May 19, 2021, dfolson wrote:
Mel does make a Rubixs cube solving die box. It is one of my favorite props.

F.Y.I.> This unit is does not produce a standard vanishing & reappearing die box effect, but rather is a magical way to solve a mixed Rubik's Cube.

IMO a Mikame'-type See Through Rubik's Cube die box would pretty much tip onlookers to the method due to the well known nature of a Rubik's Cube construction.

Perhaps a standard die cox configuration with a Rubik's Cube might be more deceptive...? (It seems I have seen variations of this approach on the big auction.)

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F.Y.I.> This unit is does not produce a standard vanishing & reappearing die box effect, but rather is a magical way to solve a mixed Rubik's Cube.

Julie [/quote]

More accurate is this is a non-standard application for a different effect and conclusion. If one were to re-apply different color stickers, it could be used for the standard routine.
Magic Mark
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I am super pleased with Wellington Enterprises’ new Diabolic Block Box. I chose the wood veneer front because it compliments the tube. Bill’s trailer:

Wizard of Oz
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Wow, that looks fantastic Mark. Congratulations.

I love it when classic props are modernized and improved. Leave it up to Wellington Enterprises to literally turn this box upside down and rethink what this prop can do.
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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Oldies... but goodies! » » What's the best Die Box? (25 Likes)
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