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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » For the record » » Balducci levitation (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Anyone can tell me more about the history behind? I have searched thru the internet but could not found a convincing and firm answer... anione can help me?
Whit Haydn
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It first appeared in the Pallbearer's Review.
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On 2004-12-07 14:44, whithaydn wrote:
It first appeared in the Pallbearer's Review.

To add to Whit's post: the impromptu levitation was contributed to the July 1974 Pallbearers Review (page 755-756) by Ed Balducci. In case you don't know, the Pallbearers Review was a magic periodical published by Karl Fulves. I believe that Mike Maxwell also explained the Balducci method in his levitation video.

If you are interested in levitations, you will want to also check out some other levitations that were published by Fulves in his Chronicles (Chronicles #2, pp. 1077-1080) ... I believe that Chronciles is still available through L&L.

The Balducci levitation is a strong effect, but it can only be shown to one or two specators at a time due to angle problems. I know that David Roth used this illusion to great effect in the 70's, and David Blaine also used it in one of his television specials (Blaine's presentation also used heavy editing to create a stronger (and technically impossible effect) for his TV audience.

Hope this helps.
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Are you sure that Blaine used TV editing?
I have been told that you can do a special Balducci that
looks the same as Blaine
John Pezzullo
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Just for the record...

Ed Balducci did not claim the 'levitation' as his own. In a note that Ed Balducci wrote to Karl Fulves:

"Originator unknown. It was shown to me many years ago by one of the Harmonicats, a cousin of mine, Erwin Levine, known as the Baron".
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4Cards, there was definitely some editing done on this effect. In Blaine's TV special he started by doing the Balducci levitation, then the camera cutaway to the spectators, and then cutback to Blaine who now appeared to be levitating several feet above ground. At best, the Balducci levitation will make you appear to be levitating a few inches off of the ground. Levitating several feet off of the ground is impossible using the Balducci method !
Bill Palmer
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On 2004-11-16 03:10, Perl wrote:
Anyone can tell me more about the history behind? I have searched thru the internet but could not found a convincing and firm answer... anione can help me?

This is, once more, an example of a very important fact about the internet. It is NOT the repository of all information. And what information that is on the internet may or may not be correct. It certainly won't be complete.

One example is the use of to provide definitions. It's okay as far as it goes, but it does not contain the text of the single most important dictionary in the English language, which is the Oxford English Dictionary.

So, Perl, please wean yourself from the internet and start learning to use a library and other sources as well. This is not the first time I have pointed this out to you.
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On 2005-02-14 13:31, Bill Palmer wrote:
On 2004-11-16 03:10, Perl wrote:
Anyone can tell me more about the history behind? I have searched thru the internet but could not found a convincing and firm answer... anione can help me?

This is, once more, an example of a very important fact about the internet. It is NOT the repository of all information. And what information that is on the internet may or may not be correct. It certainly won't be complete.

One example is the use of to provide definitions. It's okay as far as it goes, but it does not contain the text of the single most important dictionary in the English language, which is the Oxford English Dictionary.

So, Perl, please wean yourself from the internet and start learning to use a library and other sources as well. This is not the first time I have pointed this out to you.

Good for you I cannot agree more with your recommendation. Sure is nice to hear someone point out that the internet is not the answer to all the world's problems and there are many other sources available to everyone.
The effect is the important thing, how you achieve it is not.......
gregg webb
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The story was, whenever I sat around with a group of guys who knew Eddie Balducci, that he learned it from a circus performer. No one ever mentioned that guy's name.
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