KHER New user Kher Cheng Guan 48 Posts |
I've seen it performed on TV, but don't know what it's called. The performer stands behind a rectangular board and does mime-liked escalator or elevator ride. The board's height is at the performer's waist from the ground. Does anyone know what is is called and does it need any special physical skills?
Budihaha Veteran user Bandung - Indonesia 331 Posts |
Well, I think it's called Mime!
And yes, mime need physical skill. I have seen almost like what you seen, but using a long fabric. The mime act like ride escalator & elevator up and down and also down into a hole while walking. Regards, Budi Ha Ha |
magicgeorge Inner circle Belfast 4299 Posts |
I used to do that as a kid using the sofa.
So I recommend the sofa and a large mirror as good practising tools. A good pair of knees come in handy ,too. Try taking the stairs before the escalator, it's easier to do because you don't have to worry about the smoothness. |
Harry Murphy Inner circle Maryland 5466 Posts |
Mark Jaster, as “‘O’ a fool” performs several stunts, including this one, using a blanket. He includes the elevator (up and down), the escalator (up and down), stairs (up and down), amongst other effects. He also uses the blanket to do a series of Chapeaugraphy type of bits (baby, elephant, etc.).
The stunt/bit you describe is mime pure and simple (or not so simple, truth be known). Mime, like magic, has a long and honorable history. Mime, like magic, has fallen to the bottom of the performing arts hierarchy in recent times.
The artist formally known as Mumblepeas!
Doug Higley 1942 - 2022 7152 Posts |
If those practicing Mime would 'lose' the white face and the derby cliche it could become something folks might tolerate a bit more...that 'image' has become far too recognised as something to scoff at (thanks to movies and standup comics).
One of the most incredible physical shows I ever saw was performed by the Oregon Mime Troup (many years ago) without that sissy clown look. (sorry...sissy is the only word I can conjur.) Mime is a difficult art to master but it can be taken to amazing dramatic heights if the Marcel Marceau clone look is dumped. Doug
Higley's Giant Flea Pocket Zibit
fredmoore New user 72 Posts |
I would avoid using a "board". I used to do this bit as well, I used a black curtain hung onto a PVC frame-work.
This way it would back down much easier. Gotta go, mime is money! |
Pakar Ilusi Inner circle 5777 Posts |
Thanks guys...
"Dreams aren't a matter of Chance but a matter of Choice." -DC-
The Great Zoobini Elite user Boulder, Colorado 443 Posts |
On 2004-11-24 10:18, Harry Murphy wrote: Like mime, magic probably suffered from everybody ripping each other off. Mimes just ripped the good stuff from Marcel Marceau but it didn't make any sense once taken out of the storyline's context. How/why is this guy suddenly trapped in a box? People correctly dismissed it as absurd. At least Shields and Yarnell added some creativity before the art form seemed to poop out. I saw a list of jobs recently that have been resistant and those that have suffered the most in the recent American economic downturn. Performers were low man on the totem pole and really hit hard losing most their income.
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