Andrew Loh Inner circle Malaysia 1455 Posts |
I am comparing both Lorayne's books "Apocalyse" and "Best of friends Vol. 1", which book is better if compare in terms of "CARD EFFECTS"? If card sleights are used in Best of friends book, are the sleights properly explained? Is it Best of friends book uses many knucle-busting sleights? Thanks! Best Wishes, Andrew Loh Check out my new card magic eBooks "The Magnificent Queens" & "Triple Charms" at: www.cardicianden.com My Cardician Den Blog: http://pasteboards.blogspot.com/ |
Rennie Inner circle I think I have about 1777 Posts |
If you are referring to the bound volumes of Apocalypse then there is no comparison in the amount of effects. Apocalypse is loaded with cards , coins , rope etc, etc.
If you own all 4 volumes of Apocalypse you have enough magic to keep you occupied for your lifetime. Rennie
The effect is the important thing, how you achieve it is not.......
tabman Inner circle USA 5946 Posts |
Harry Lorayne's books, writings, everything are all worth having in my opinion. Get them all if you can. learn one trick out of each book and you've got a set.
Always cut the cards!! -=tabman
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http://Sefalaljia.com |
Aron Devin New user Chattanooga, TN 78 Posts |
Without a doubt, get the Best of Friends book. It has far more card stuff than Apocalypse. Of course, there are amazing things in each but the Apocalypse material is filled with rope, card, coin, impromtu, mentalism, and balloon stuff whereas BOF is nothing but cards, cards, cards, cards....and did I mention cards?
boblinds Regular user Los Angeles 111 Posts |
"Best of Friends" is an excellent book, but it is definitely for intermediate to advanced card handlers.
Actually, contrary to a previous opinion, the sheer size of the first collected volume of Apocalypse pretty much dictates that it has more card effects than "Best of Friends," simply because it has so many more effects. Both really are worth having. "Best of Friends" costs a bit less. |
David Eichler Grammar Host Durham, ME 1795 Posts |
While this is slightly outside your initial question, I would recommend saving your cash and first getting his tome "Harry Lorayne's Personal Collection...All Cards...All New...All Mine". It is limited to 750 (I think) copies and sells for $150 (or did when I bought mine a few years back). If it is still available (try directly from Harry if L&L is sold out), that would be your best bet, since the others whould be relatively easy to procure at some point in the future, while this one, when it is totally sold out, will command a much higher price.
Andrew Loh Inner circle Malaysia 1455 Posts |
I just curious to know there are so many effects in this book, are there contains some KILLER stuffs? Best Wishes, Andrew Loh Check out my new card magic eBooks "The Magnificent Queens" & "Triple Charms" at: www.cardicianden.com My Cardician Den Blog: http://pasteboards.blogspot.com/ |
boblinds Regular user Los Angeles 111 Posts |
Not to be the typically snotty Magic Café member, but "killer" is usually in the hands of the magician. A great presentation is what makes something "killer," IMO. But I do know what you're saying. There are excellent items in both books, honestly. "Best of Friends 1" has some really remarkable stuff. "Apocalypse Vol. 1" has over 500 (!) items from some of the biggest names of the 70s and 80s. It's hard to go wrong with either one, really. Both are among the best books in my collection. I have "Personal Collection" but haven't finished it yet, so I don't have an opinion of that book. I think if you do a search here on the site, you'll find comments about "Personal Collection." |
Andrew Loh Inner circle Malaysia 1455 Posts |
Hi boblinds,
Thank you very much of your valuable info and feedback, I'm appreciate that! I think I will retain a copy of the above books since many of the magic friends here recommend me and convince me how good the book it is. Thanks folks for all your comments always! Best Wishes, Andrew Loh Check out my new card magic eBooks "The Magnificent Queens" & "Triple Charms" at: www.cardicianden.com My Cardician Den Blog: http://pasteboards.blogspot.com/ |
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